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Layaway Policy & Terms

You will receive your jewelry after your last payment is made and you have a zero balance. You will receive an invoice from PayPal with your terms to the email you provide. Your due dates are listed on your invoice. You are responsible for keeping up with each due date. You are responsible for communicating if you will be late and or need to skip a payment prior to the due date. If you miss your 1st payment your Layaway will automatically cancel and your jewelry will immediately go back up for sale. We will attempt to reach out to you by phone or message in order to keep your jewelry from being sold. Your payments are scheduled to be due on Fridays biweekly. If Friday is not convenient for you, inform us of which day is. If you need to cancel your payments for any reason and or decide against the transaction after committing to purchase you will NOT be refunded any money. There is NO Store Credit offered.

Staying on good terms means you pay on time, you are consistent with making your payments every due date, you communicate with me when paying late. If you are on good terms you will be able to add other jewelry to your invoice or we can create a new one. Your good history will allow you multiple advantages. Your down payments will become lower in the future, your payments will be reduced, you will receive special pricing on some items, you will be chosen above others on limited and in high demand jewelry. If you have had late payments or missed payments you could be denied future layaway or be prevented from adding additional jewelry to current layaway. If you start layaway on an item that is not in stock and plan to pay it off sooner than your last payment date notify us at least 2 weeks prior to doing so to ensure we will have on hand for you at last payment. Any questions or concerns address them to me directly at 512-839-6410.

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